IMPORTANT NOTE: This section presents proposed, speculative and unproven hypotheses.

Extraterrestrial Apathy

Why don't ETs contact us? Why don't ETs attempt to recover their crashed ships? Why can't we figure out how UAP propulsion systems work? Why don't ETs seem concerned when their craft are seen?

The answer to all these paradoxical questions can best be answered with a "thought experiment." Suppose you're visiting the zoo one day and while leaning over the fence at the chimpanzee enclosure, you drop your cell phone. You can't reach it and furthermore a young chimp grabs it and runs off. Of course you want you phone back but would you be worried that the chimp might steal you credit card information, buy stuff on Amazon, access you email or other nefarious criminal stuff? No, of course not. But why? The answer is the chimp doesn't have a brain large enough to grasp any of these concepts.

ETs aren't concerned about humans possessing or seeing their technology for the same reason. We won't figure out how they work EVER. We also can't entirely understand how they think and their reasoning. We simply don't possess the brain capacity. We are chimps to the ETs much as we don't want to face this reality. We've assumed our apex position of intelligence in the universe so long, it's beyond our comprehension that it may not be true. We are intellectually inferior to ETs and there's nothing we can do about it.